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Ever felt like a million dollars after a yoga class? Indeed, whether you crave a vigorous Vinyasa practice or prefer chilling out in restorative yoga, the reason we all keep coming back for more is that special, serene yoga glow we often feel after class.
Ever wondered why that happens and what it is that sets yoga apart from other types of movement?
Obviously, yoga offers similar benefits as other movement modalities: Increased circulation, enhanced detoxification, greater mobility and strength. But in addition, notes yoga therapist and author Robin Rothenberg, yoga is unique in that it invites us to connect with deeper aspects of mind and body that we typically are not in touch with.
Robin Rothenberg & Patrick McKeown, author of The Oxygen Advantage
Listen to these lively conversations between Robin Rothenberg, C-IAYT and Patrick McKeown, author of 8 books on respiratory health including the best-selling Oxygen Advantage. Through this dialogue, Robin and Patrick break-down the myths and misunderstandings that keep yoga teachers and practitioners from accessing the profound healing potential of the breath. They offer solid information based in Western and Vedic science for improved health through pranayama - the practice of breathing less not more!
Functional Breathing and the Restoration of Prana with Robin Rothenberg
Joining us on the show this week is internationally respected yoga therapist and author, Robin Rothenberg. In this episode, she takes us on a journey through the ancient Yogic practice of Pranayama and the most up to date scientific research on respiratory physiology - all while drawing some powerful and important parallels between the two. With this knowledge, she then teaches us how we can utilize the breath to cultivate greater energy, clarity, and spiritual insights.
Ahimsa Choice podcast with Sabrina Joy
“In this episode, I chat with Robin Rothenberg; author, yoga therapist and instructor. Robin and I dive into the world of pranayama, (yogic breath work) and it's therapeutic applications. We chat about the importance of proper breathing and how dysfunctional breathing can affect your health.”
Health & Habits podcast with Tony Winyard
Robin has been assisting people in transforming health habits using the teachings and tools of yoga for over 35 years. She offers tele-yoga-therapy across the globe and is Program Director of an IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapy Training Program. With the pandemic, Robin’s focus has developed to support people with Long COVID in managing symptoms and regaining their energy. We discuss yoga, breathing, origins of yoga and how in recent times so many yoga instructors around the world have wrongly focused on the stretching elements of yoga rather than its true essence of breathing.
This is Yoga Therapy with Michele Lawrence
Robin and Michele Lawrence discuss Breath, Yoga and Long-COVID.
Accessible Yoga podcast
For the past three years, Robin has immersed herself in a personal study of the breath, of the ancient teachings on pranayama, and the science of respiratory physiology. The result of this inquiry has her calling for a “Breath Revolution” in the yoga community. Her new book, released in 2020, Restoring Prana: A Guide to Pranayama and Healing Through the Breath, suggests a serious re-evulation of the ‘big breathing’ habit, and a scientifically supported return to the roots of yoga which teach us to retain prana, by minimizing breath while increasing breath suspensions. She is currently researching yoga for long COVID.
Live Like you Give a Damn with Dr. Bizzy Riley
Robin Rothenberg is a yoga teacher, trainer, author, and Director of Essential Yoga Therapy. She has studied yoga for 30+ years with her recent focus being on breathwork and shares basic concepts of breathing and how we can change our lives by changing how we breathe. Robin has incorporated breathwork into her therapy, weaving together functional breathing, functional movement, and yoga philosophy into her treatment.
Movers, Shakers & Social Changers
Robin Rothenberg draws deeply from the authentic lineage of yoga, while also incorporating contemporary understanding of mind-body medicine, the result of years of study in western science. She acts as an educator or bridge between these two seemingly disparate worlds, facilitating clients and teachers in breaking free of habits that are debilitating, and developing a clear plan of action to help themselves find equilibrium and a greater sense of confidence and well-being.
Voices of Yoga
Robin brings to life what the ancient yogis were really trying to tell us about pranayama. The overarching message is ... BREATHE LESS! Yoga teachers, be prepared for this podcast to turn what you think you know about pranayama on its head!
Robin & Valeria Teles on the Fit For Joy podcast
Robin & Valeria discuss the healing power of the breath.
Robin & Joe Pace on the Clutch podcast
Robin & Joe discuss yoga breathing techniques and how modern science has uncovered the truth about breathing practices described in ancient yoga texts.
Robin and Stewart Alsop on the Crazy Wisdom podcast
Robin & Stewart talk about the connection between breath, posture, and voice. They also discuss the relationship between the breath and the nervous system.