Applications of Yoga Therapy Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Home or mobile phone * (###) ### #### Home address * Work phone (if applicable) (###) ### #### Work address Current occuation * Outline your yoga studies and training, specifying areas of particular interest. Please e-mail Robin a copy of your 200 hr. RYT Certificate or equivalent. * Briefly describe your current yoga practice and style. * Describe your studies and understanding of the yoga sutras, and any other of the classical texts of yoga. * Have you been through any personal therapeutic process: yoga, psychological, physical therapy? Briefly describe the nature of the work and length of treatment. How did this process impact your understanding of yourself and the healing process? * Have you engaged in other forms of personal growth work? Please describe. * What is your understanding of a yoga therapist and how a yoga therapist differs from a yoga teacher? * Describe a situation where you felt your lack of knowledge or skill-set made it difficult to confidently meet a student’s needs. List three questions that you could ask of this program and/or a mentor that would help equip you to address the situation in a more comprehensive manner. * What are some of the ways that you facilitate your students carrying what they learn from class “off the mat” and into their lives? * Are you currently in the midst of a major life transition or challenge that might impede your ability to be fully present for this training or to complete the work required for this program in a timely manner? * Please write a short essay [2-3 pages] that includes answers to the following questions OR answer them as separate questions: What attracts you to this program? What important life experiences have led you to want to become a yoga therapist? What do you hope to receive from this program? How do you anticipate using your training? Please describe an incident in which you offered something like yoga therapy (in a formal or informal way) to another person. What do you feel are the most important qualities for a yoga therapist to embody? How would you assess your strengths as they relate to becoming a yoga therapist? How would you assess your blind spots or samskaras that may impact your effectiveness in completing this program? How would you assess your blind spots or samskaras that may impact your effectiveness as a yoga therapist in working with others? Please indicate any prior exposure to Robin and her teachings. Mark all that apply: * Yoga U online webinars GBYU presentations Read Robin’s Book(s): Restoring Prana, Svadhyaya Breath Journal, Essential Low Back Program Podcast Other If you answered 'podcast' or 'other' to the question above, please specify below. Please list the names and e-mail addresses of your two references. These are individuals who can knowledgeably and honestly assess your potential to succeed in this program. Please ask these people to fill out the electronic reference form and submit it to Robin at as soon as possible. One of these needs to be a yoga teacher or therapist who has mentored you, the other a colleague or yoga peer. * Thank you! Reference form