Robin's Medley: Life After Death

Robin's Medley: Life After Death


$120/$95 for Zoom Club members

May 2nd through May 20th

M/W/F 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PST

After the deep exploration and challenge of the kleshas, we take these next three weeks to re-emerge with a fresh appreciation for life. Join Robin as she riffs, magically linking the ancient wisdom teachings with playful embodied practice that will take you from the starkness of winter into remembrance of the vitality and promise of Spring. Join us if you're ready to shed the cloak of the past two years of isolation and insulation and embrace possibility and joy. Join us even if you’re not ready. Take refuge in the sangha, the teachings, and the practices - trusting they will safely sustain until you can hold the flame of your own light.

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