Robin's Zoom Club: Strong Heart - Open Heart

Robin's Zoom Club: Strong Heart - Open Heart


Oct. 30 – Dec. 6 Mon and Wed. ONLY

7:00-8:00 a.m. PST

The teachings of yoga clearly call upon us to be courageous and step outside our comfort zone in order to awaken the heart of compassion. However, the concept of open-heartedness has often been depicted as passive acceptance to all that comes our way. This series will challenge that notion through practices that are designed to unsettle our sense of order and call upon us to find equanimity in the presence of adversity. Far from passive, Robin will lead us into the fire of tapas, where we will greet ourselves with the fortitude of a loving heart and deep-seated presence.

Zoom Club Members: $145

Non Zoom Club Members: $195

If you are a ZC member and need the promo code, e-mail Gina at

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